
Equiano complaint - support and send your comments

(September 20, 2011)
This is an email trail from Arthur Torrington (apologies if it looks a bit messy) but its regarding Olaudah Equiano and the lack of acknowledgement, recognition shown etc... please see below....
 IF POSSIBLE WRITE TO [email protected] (not to the Mayor) WITH YOUR REMARKS.
Quote: Case ID - 11010284
From: arthur torrington
CC: [email protected] Subject: Case ID - 11010284
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 10:01:45 +0000
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have copied an email (see below) from Ms Fiona Laurent, Deputy Head of Media, Mayor of London's Press Office. She called me, discussed the complaint, and apologised about the Press Release.
My complaint is not against the Mayor’s Press Office; they are not to be blamed, but the Mayor is. This is why I would like to ask the LGO to look again at the complaint. Last year I wrote to you, and received a reply from Ms Kane (letter of 3 August 2010) saying “the fact remains that it is open to the Mayor and GLA to decide which, if any, commemorative events to support…”
This not how Londoners expect the Mayor to behave.
The complaint is that Boris Johnson has not seriously dealt with my concerns about his attitude to August 23. He ignored the commemoration in 2008. He promised to issue a Press Release regarding the commemoration on 23 August 2009; he did not. He should not have to be reminded to do so, as it should have been in his diary of events, just like Holocaust Day (27 January). In 2010 and on 23 August 2011, he also failed to issue Press Releases in support of this national/London commemoration.
The commemoration on August 23 helps to preserve memory and the histories of African ancestors who, against their will, were forcibly transported on ships in the 1600s from Africa to the West, worked for Britain, and made important contributions to the well-being of this country over the past 400 years. August 23 keeps alive Black Britons’ quests to find long lost African relatives; family members had normally been separated during enslavement, losing contact and never again seeing or meeting mother, father, and others. Family life was destroyed until slavery was legally abolished by the British Parliament in 1838. But, social conditions after that long era were little different under colonialism.
The legacies of enslavement and colonialism are evident in the UK; they affect a large number of Black Britons, family relations, race and community relations, etc.
It is important that I know why the Mayor is so indifferent to the annual commemoration on 23 August. I reminded him in July 2011 and on 22 August 2011. He sent me an email/letter on 23 August 2011, which had details of what he would be saying in a Press Release. Yet, the Press Release was not issued on the day; it should have been issue a few days before! After I complained on 25 August 2011, I received an email on 31 August 2011 with a link to a Press Release.
What is infuriating about this is the deception, because, in publishing a Press Release seven days after the effective date, and attempting to give the impression that it was released 7 days before, is disingenuous, unbefitting of any Mayor or public servant.
I therefore would like this matter to be taken up directly with the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson.
Thank you.
Arthur Torrington 
 MGLA010911-7727 RE: MGLA250811-7222 RE: MGLA260711-4011 23 AUGUST‏
To arthur torrington
Mayor of London ([email protected])   
08 September 2011 14:45:46 
arthur torrington
Dear Mr Torrington,

Just to follow on from our conversation, please do take my direct contact details for any future communication with the press office (listed below).

I would also again like to repeat how sorry I am that you rightly felt let down and misled. I can only offer that we did not intend for this to be the result and would very much like the chance to correct this in the future.

Thank you for your time just now and many kind regards.

Best wishes,


Fiona Laurent
Deputy Head of Media
Mayor of London's Press Office
To: arthur torrington
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 14:19:36 +0100
Subject: Case ID - 1101028431 August 2011
Your ref:
Our ref: 11 010 284 (Please quote our reference when contacting us)
Dear Mr Torrington,

Thank you for your email about a complaint regarding the Mayor of London. Before the Ombudsman can consider your complaint we will need to see that you have completed the Greater London Authority's complaints process this year. If you have completed this process please send us a copy of the councils final response.
Yours sincerely
Katherine Jordan
Fieldwork Co-ordinator

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