
Gladesmore Community School Students To Release 'Everybody Dreams' Single

(August 18, 2012)

Gladesmore Community school in north London is launching an exciting community initiative this summer. The Song for Tottenham.

Concerned by the negative images of Tottenham that dominated the National and International news last Summer, students felt compelled to do something about this and decided to create a campaign that would show the positive side to the place they live, learn and love.

Students wanted to write, sing and produce a Single and a Music video about their area, which they could launch into the National Music Charts this August, a year on from the disorder that gripped the nation for all the wrong reasons.

The enthusiasm from the school community has been phenomenal. The song has now been written from the hundreds of ideas put forward by the students and it is called ‘Everybody Dreams’ and we believe the ideas, lyrics and music have the winning formula for a Top 10 hit.

“Forget about what you’ve heard, 
Forget about what you’ve seen 
We’ve found a place to be, 
Where everybody dreams..” 

At present, we have the support and backing of our local MP David Lammy, the community, businesses, retailers, Tottenham Hotspur Football club, music celebrities, television personalities and other influential figures.

Students have decided they wanted to flip the script and take the media forms that were used to negatively promote the spread of riots and positively use those forms to promote their single. They have created a Viral Campaign using Facebook, Twitter,YouTube and BBM to spread the word and get everyone to download the track on 19th August 2012.

To join our Viral Campaign and get more information.

Facebook: LIKE Everybody Dreams
Twitter: FOLLOW @tottenhamsong.
YouTube: everybodydreamsgcs

The Single release is scheduled for 19th August 2012 and we will be previewing the song at a Press Conference on Tuesday 17th July 2012 at Tottenham Hotspur Football Club and officially launching the song nationwide on Monday 6th August 2012 on the first anniversary of the riots in Tottenham. A documentary following the Everybody Dreams Journey is being made by the students and excepts are being regularly uploaded onto YouTube: everybodydreamsgcs.

Key Dates
Tuesday 29th May 2012 ~ Students Final Studio Recording Session
Monday 11th June 2012 ~ Single Complete
Monday 2nd July 2012 ~ Music Video Released
Tuesday 17th July 2012 ~ Press Conference
Monday 6th August 2012 ~ Official Single Launch
Sunday 19th August 2012 ~ Everybody Dreams Single Release

For more information call Juliet Coley on 02088000884 or email [email protected]

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