
Jessica Huntley Passed Away

(October 14, 2013)

Dear Friends

It is with regret and deep sadness that I write to report that Jessica Huntley passed away at Ealing Hospital in West London earlier today following a short illness.  She was 86 last February.  Jessica who had been frail but generally in good health was at home to some good friends until 9.00pm yesterday but was taken to A & E not longer after as a result of acute stomach pains.  her condition deteriorated overnight and she died just after 11.00am today.
Eric and Jessica were married for over 60 years and in his words 'were like twins'.  They started Bogle L'ouverture Publications in 1968 with massive encouragement and practical support from the late John La Rose and from Sarah White.  BLP was established at about the same time that the late Walter Rodney was banned from returning to Jamaica by the government led by Hugh Shearer, a ban which sparked what became known as 'the Rodney Riots' and led to the Bogle-L'Ouverture publication of Rodney's seminal work 'The Groundings with my Brothers'.  
Two years ago today, Eric and Jessica lost their first son, Carl.  Jessica is survived by Eric, their daughter Accabre, second son, Chauncey and their grandchildren.
Details of Jessica's funeral will be posted in due course.
We give thanks for her long and purposeful life, a lifetime of selfless giving and unwavering commitment to the struggle for human liberation.
Peace and Hope!
Professor Augustine John
International Consultant & Executive Coach
Honorary Fellow and Associate Professor
Institute of Education - University of London
UK Mobile: +44 (0)7539 476041
[email protected]

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